I’m not desperate but at the same time, our WebSDR uses up most of the bandwidth I have available. In addition, it’s not uncommon that a USB dongle goes bad or the upconverter fails. Aside from that, I’m buying materials for antennas, experimenting (which everybody gets to share in that value!), and of course spending time tweaking/fixing.
If you use the WebSDR often and find it useful/convenient, please consider making a small donation (not that I mind LARGE donations! LOL). A few dollars or whatever you think it’s worth to you. $10 barely gets you a combo meal at a fast food joint. This is a receiver you can use whenever you want!
Either way, thank you for being a user of the WebSDR! I enjoy hosting it for everybody. 🙂
PLEASE, if you make a donation, be sure to provide me with a call sign or mailing address and I’ll do my best to send out a K3FEF QSL card as a thank you!!